印度's beauty and personal care sector is growing at 11 per cent and is currently a USD 18 billion market. Global brands are making a beeline for 印度 to take share and companies in 印度 are taking strong positions with new products. 然而, 考虑到庞大的消费群体, there is space for growth and new brands to enter the market and tap into the growing potential.  传统上, 乐博彩票官方app美容和个人护理品牌并未将印度视为目标乐博彩票官方app, 除了少数人, however change is in the air and considering this vibrant country in near-term plans will reap long-term rewards.

可持续的生活, 道德意识消费, 定制产品在印度变得越来越普遍, 反映人口不断变化的观点和优先事项.  And companies in the beauty and personal care segment are taking the lead in the consumer sector with new products, 成分和信息, 并利用技术和互联网获得了巨大的成功.

印度目前是全球第四大零售乐博彩票官方app,估计价值为10亿美元.预计到2032年将达到2万亿美元. Consumer spending as a percentage of GDP is currently 60 per cent and is expected to increase to USD 6 trillion by 2030. 此外,到2032年,主要增长近1美元.预计2万亿美元将来自二三线城市的支出.


印度 is set to dominate the next decade with the country boasting one of the fastest growing economies and emergence as a global economic centre. 人口为1.40亿人口和不断壮大的中产阶级,印度提供了一个独一无二的机会.

By 2030, 印度 will be home to 70+ urban centres with populations over a million and will have the world’s largest and youngest workforce where the median age will be 31. 这些人口结构的变化将推动整体零售需求.

富裕正在增加, 平均家庭收入预计将增加约1%.2021年至2031年期间增长4倍,这是推动消费的主要因素.

By 2031, most consumption will shift from the those in the bottom of the pyramid to those in the middle-income section. The middle-income group is expected to account for 80 per cent of households and will be responsible for 75 per cent of consumer spending.

印度的互联网普及率将上升到10亿, 这将超过欧洲和北美人口的总和. With the widespread availability of affordable smartphones and increasing access to high-speed internet services, 数以百万计的印度人现在使用数字连接, 改变他们沟通的方式, 访问信息, 从事经济活动.


人们对仪容仪表的兴趣已经发生了文化上的转变, which has been attributed to increased exposure to beauty trends through social media and exposure to global beauty brands. Consumers now have a heightened expectation of the market, themselves, and the products they consume. 然而, 消费者不会对普通的西方产品感到满意, 他们想要满足他们特定需求和偏好的产品, 比如针对不同皮肤类型的护肤方案, 适合不同发质的护发产品, 还有环保和不残忍的配方. 对天然和有机美容产品的需求也有所上升.

Strong influencer culture has become a powerful force in shaping consumer preferences and popular culture

可持续生产和影响也是印度美容消费者的重要议程. Concerns about the potential adverse effects of chemicals and the desire for environmentally sustainable options means products with natural ingredients, 不含有害化学物质, 通过道德和可持续实践生产的产品供不应求.

This awareness is coupled with the fact that 印度ns are positioning themselves at the forefront of online content creation, 以下趋势, 促进社区参与. Strong influencer culture has become a powerful force in shaping consumer preferences and popular culture, 重新定义人们感知和参与品牌和产品的方式.


到2031年,美容和个人护理乐博彩票官方app的价值预计将达到360亿美元. 近年来, major direct to consumer (D2C) brands in this segment have taken three to four years to reach USD 12 million (equivalent to INR 100 crore) in revenue, 极快的增长规模和速度只会继续下去.

预计从目前的价值估计为180亿美元, approximately 80 per cent of the next phase of growth to USD 36 billion will largely be driven by premiumisation of products and purchases of products from new categories.

增加的消费将由消费者主导,他们将继续升级到品牌, 价格更高的产品也有明确的成分说明, 好处, 采购等等.

品牌s and marketplaces are responding to this by taking strong positions with product developments and offering experiences in both offline and online channels. 而电子商务的渗透率目前仅为8%, 这是增长最快的部分,预计到2030年将达到15%. 以满足日益增长的需求, 越来越多的品牌在二三线城市中心开设线下门店. 品牌s are enhancing the customer shopping experience by leveraging technology including augmented/ virtual reality to personalise and offer trials to their target audience.   

人口结构的变化, 消费者行为, 消费模式已被视为重要的增长动力, and such the processes for foreign direct investment and product registrations have been simplified to enable a faster process for ease of entry into 印度.


许多乐博彩票官方app美容和个人品牌都是世界领先的, 其中一些已经出现在印度, 然而,这些的潜力, 而其他公司增长的乐博彩票官方app份额是巨大的.  The Swedish industry is in a strong position to capitalise on the growing demand in 印度 by considering market entry to meet the demand for ethical and high-quality brands and products.  Companies can also explore collaboration opportunities with 印度n brands and 合作伙伴 in exchange for basic ingredients, 新配方的研究, 以及优先考虑可持续性和环境责任的产品设计. 这些伙伴关系和扩展对两国来说都是互利的.

Swedish brands should look to test the 印度n market with their innovative products that address specific 印度n consumer needs. 通过迎合印度消费者不断变化的偏好, Swedish companies can establish a strong presence and contribute to the growth of the sector in 印度.

对许多乐博彩票官方app公司来说, 在印度这样一个规模庞大的乐博彩票官方app推出产品的想法似乎势不可挡, 但最成功的公司采取的策略是从小做起, 确定正确的区域, 合作伙伴, 以及你产品的受众, 一旦建立起来,就扩大规模. 在印度,当地知识绝对是至关重要的, and our teams located in Bangalore and New Delhi can offer extensive expertise and access to key players within the beauty and personal care industry.

如果印度还没有出现在你的雷达上, 乐博彩票官方app,看看我们能如何帮助你, 还有你的产品, 在地图上.

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